Created for and provide to minority high school students by Skytopian Umbrella Title I Community Development Community, INC.
Skytopian Umbrella INC. would like to welcome you to the Get Off The Block Scholarship by the number presents data concerning the distribution of private scholarships funds by race, which proves that minorities receive a disproportionately less for scholarships than their Caucasian counterparts.
Article Credit: Mark Kantrowitz
The reality is that minority students are less likely to win private scholarships or receive merit-based institutional grants than Caucasian1 students.
Caucasian students receive more than three-quarters (76%) of all institutional merit-based scholarship and grant funding, even though they represent less than two-thirds (62%) of the student population. Caucasian students are 40% more likely to win private scholarships than minority students.
Caucasian students receive more than three times as much in merit-based grant and private scholarship funding as minority students.
Nationwide, only about 1 in 20 (5.5%) of undergraduate students and about 1 in 8 (12.1%) of full-time Bachelor’s degree students at 4-year colleges and universities pay for college with private scholarships.
Caucasian students represent 69.3% of private scholarship recipients but only 61.8% of the undergraduate student population. This is in contrast with minority students, who represent 30.5% of scholarship recipients and 38.0% of the undergraduate student population. Caucasian students are 40% more likely to win private scholarships than minority students.
To put minority students on an equal footing would require increasing annual private scholarship awards for African-American students by $83 million and Latino students by $197 million.
Equalizing just the probability of receiving a private scholarship without changing the average scholarship amount per recipient would require increasing total private scholarship funding by $138 million for African-American students and $179 million for Latino students.
The Get Off The Block Program; one of the charitable arms of Skytopian Umbrella Title I CDC, Inc announces the Get Off The Block Scholarship Awards Program. Under the Program, $1,000-$2000 scholarships will be awarded to seniors attending a high school in the States of Georgia and Florida. Children of employees or board members are eligible to apply and should contact the organization directly for more information.
To donate contribute towards the scholarship send money order or check to:
Skytopian Umbrella Title I, CDC Scholarship Committee
c/o Skytopian Umbrella Title I CDC, Inc.
P.O. Box 15523
Savannah, GA 31416
You can donate at Network For Good Express: